A new Florida Atlantic University survey finds President Trump’s job disapproval increasing 6 points in Florida since their March survey and now his overall job approval stands at 35% approve and 44% disapproval.
Floridians were generally in support of the Trump administration Cuba policies presented on Friday but only 21% thought they would make life better for the Cuban people. The data was collected after President’s Trump Cuba policy announcement on June 16 through June 18, 2017.
President Trump’s Cuba Policy
All four policies asked about received a plurality of support in the survey. The most popular was for keeping an Embassy in Havana at 61% to 13% (+48 points), followed by ending financial dealings with Cuban military (+18), ending the travel alone policy (+12) and supporting the Wet foot/Dry foot policy (+4).
US Embargo of Cuba
Overall, Floridians are split over the US Embargo of Cuba with nearly a three way dead heat between ending/continuing at 34% each and those not sure at 32%.
New Policies for Cuban people
Overall, Floridians are pessimistic that the new policies will improve the life of Cubans with 36% saying it will make things worse while only 21% saying it will make things better.
This story originally appeared at business.FAU.edu.