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Despite support for Trump’s Cuba policies, President’s Job Approval Drops in Florida

A new Florida Atlantic University survey finds President Trump’s job disapproval increasing 6 points in Florida since their March survey and now his overall job approval stands at 35% approve and 44% disapproval. 

Floridians were generally in support of the Trump administration Cuba policies presented on Friday but only 21% thought they would make life better for the Cuban people. The data was collected after President’s Trump Cuba policy announcement on June 16 through June 18, 2017.

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President Trump’s Cuba Policy

All four policies asked about received a plurality of support in the survey. The most popular was for keeping an Embassy in Havana at 61% to 13% (+48 points), followed by ending financial dealings with Cuban military (+18), ending the travel alone policy (+12) and supporting the Wet foot/Dry foot policy (+4).

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US Embargo of Cuba

Overall, Floridians are split over the US Embargo of Cuba with nearly a three way dead heat between ending/continuing at 34% each and those not sure at 32%.

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New Policies for Cuban people

Overall, Floridians are pessimistic that the new policies will improve the life of Cubans with 36% saying it will make things worse while only 21% saying it will make things better.

This story originally appeared at business.FAU.edu.