Their advancement to the Hall left space for the first-timers among the 25 Golden Spoon winners, including the second wave of Ritz-Carltons, those gracing the landscape in Coconut Grove, Key Biscayne and Sarasota, and a storefront phenomenon in Pompano Beach, the Sunfish Grill, and three veterans, the Ocean Grill in Vero Beach, the venerable Columbia in Tampa and points north, south and east, and Bud & Alley's in Seaside.
The Ocean Grill survived another onslaught of hurricanes, demonstrating once again the wisdom of building oceanfront property Waldo Sexton-style and putting the Replogles in charge. Its third generation is currently apprenticing. The Columbia restaurant has a fifth generation waiting and working in the wings, the extended Gonzmart clan happily celebrating the restaurant's centennial. Florida's oldest restaurant has obviously been doing more than a few things right the past 100 years to soar to the summit of Golden Spoon achievement.
Visit Florida Trend's Great Florida Restaurant Guide for detailed restaurant listings, including:
Golden Spoon Award Winners
Golden Spoon Hall of Famers
20 Best New Restaurants (including chains)