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Hurricane Irma Claims Data - as of August 13, 2018

This aggregate information is compiled from claims data filed by insurers. It has not been audited or independently verified and covers all claims based on filings received by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation as of August 13, 2018. OIR has scheduled one additional data call for Hurricane Irma claims reporting. Companies are required to report on October 15 and OIR will release the aggregate data after the submission. OIR will determine if additional data calls are necessary following the October 15 report.

Total Estimated Insured Losses: $10,455,503,448

Lines of BusinessNumber of ClaimsClosed Claims (paid)Closed Claims (not paid)Number Claims OpenPercent Claims Closed
Residential Property 839,570 513,367 262,275 63,928 92.4%
Homeowners 665,520 398,467 215,152 51,901 92.2%
Dwelling 104,103 64,142 30,964 8,997 91.4%
Mobile Homeowners 60,562 47,437 12,123 1,002 98.3%
Commercial Residential 9,385 3,321 4,036 2,028 78.4%
Commercial Property 59,987 19,365 25,195 15,427 74.3%
Private Flood 1,824 1,064 638 122 93.3%
Business Interruption 4,004 1,798 1,788 418 89.6%
Other Lines of Business 91,852 67,644 21,654 2,554 97.2%
TOTALS 997,237 603,238 311,550 82,449 91.7%

Hurricane Irma Claims

Hurricane Irma Claims

CountyNumber of ClaimsClosed Claims (paid)Closed Claims (not paid)Number Claims OpenPercent Claims Closed
ALACHUA 4,226 2,337 1,764 125 97.0%
BAKER 567 381 175 11 98.1%
BAY 201 121 72 8 96.0%
BRADFORD 851 497 343 11 98.7%
BREVARD 46,155 32,313 11,297 2,545 94.5%
BROWARD 82,251 42,350 28,624 11,277 86.3%
CALHOUN 25 21 4 0 100.0%
CHARLOTTE 8,063 4,536 3,223 304 96.2%
CITRUS 2,596 1,343 1,179 74 97.1%
CLAY 9,430 6,217 2,938 275 97.1%
COLLIER 91,980 64,428 19,862 7,690 91.6%
COLUMBIA 1,010 631 360 19 98.1%
DESOTO 2,190 1,494 604 92 95.8%
DIXIE 233 154 76 3 98.7%
DUVAL 37,168 22,985 12,536 1,647 95.6%
ESCAMBIA 263 158 98 7 97.3%
FLAGLER 6,693 4,232 2,157 304 95.5%
FRANKLIN 49 24 22 3 93.9%
GADSDEN 202 109 89 4 98.0%
GILCHRIST 197 134 60 3 98.5%
GLADES 1,140 924 167 49 95.7%
GULF 23 13 10 0 100.0%
HAMILTON 251 184 62 5 98.0%
HARDEE 2,037 1,370 526 141 93.1%
HENDRY 3,703 2,811 695 197 94.7%
HERNANDO 2,982 1,482 1,419 81 97.3%
HIGHLANDS 18,066 12,819 4,502 745 95.9%
HILLSBOROUGH 20,641 11,052 8,661 928 95.5%
HOLMES 28 15 13 0 100.0%
INDIAN RIVER 5,924 3,851 1,757 316 94.7%
JACKSON 133 76 52 5 96.2%
JEFFERSON 145 88 46 11 92.4%
LAFAYETTE 108 78 28 2 98.1%
LAKE 24,678 16,311 7,348 1,019 95.9%
LEE 81,933 51,696 24,701 5,536 93.2%
LEON 1,165 653 472 40 96.6%
LEVY 591 399 177 15 97.5%
LIBERTY 12 7 4 1 91.7%
MADISON 230 156 70 4 98.3%
MANATEE 8,888 5,190 3,396 302 96.6%
MARION 10,072 5,733 4,043 296 97.1%
MARTIN 4,127 2,607 1,283 237 94.3%
DADE 126,944 62,842 40,390 23,712 81.3%
MONROE 30,969 17,852 10,487 2,630 91.5%
NASSAU 4,099 2,765 1,169 165 96.0%
OKALOOSA 265 163 93 9 96.6%
OKEECHOBEE 3,862 3,014 689 159 95.9%
ORANGE 75,495 47,668 23,384 4,443 94.1%
OSCEOLA 29,453 19,497 7,789 2,167 92.6%
PALM BEACH 44,677 24,630 16,140 3,907 91.3%
PASCO 9,252 4,764 4,183 305 96.7%
PINELLAS 25,826 14,379 10,530 917 96.4%
POLK 55,718 38,364 15,014 2,340 95.8%
PUTNAM 3,104 2,030 990 84 97.3%
SANTA ROSA 461 311 139 11 97.6%
SARASOTA 11,928 6,191 5,207 530 95.6%
SEMINOLE 24,790 15,045 8,538 1,207 95.1%
ST JOHNS 1,1093 6,897 3,675 521 95.3%
ST LUCIE 12,995 8,045 4,146 804 93.8%
SUMTER 5,300 3,074 2,101 125 97.6%
SUWANNEE 873 605 243 25 97.1%
TAYLOR 131 78 47 6 95.4%
UNION 192 140 52 0 100.0%
VOLUSIA 27,375 17,887 8,115 1,373 95.0%
WAKULLA 108 62 37 9 91.7%
WALTON 64 35 28 1 98.4%
WASHINGTON 33 20 13 0 100.0%
County Unknown 11,003 4,900 3,436 2,667 75.8%
Statewide 997,237 603,238 311,550 82,449 91.7%

Hurricane Irma Claims

Hurricane Irma Claims

*Leading up to September 20, 2017, the Office reached out to insurers that had asserted trade secret protection on their Hurricane Irma claims data to request they waive that assertion so the Office could publish aggregate county level data to the website. Because the Office obtained enough waivers, we are pleased to report these efforts allow the release of aggregate Hurricane Irma claims date on a county basis.