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EPA names FSU a ‘Green Power Partner’

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has designated Florida State University a member of its “Green Power Partnership,” in acknowledgment of the university’s commitment to using clean energy. 

According to the EPA, significant green power use “demonstrates leadership, drives demand, and increases market impact.”

Kyle Clark, FSU vice president for Finance and Administration, which includes FSU Facilities, praised the designation. 

“This is a huge honor, and we are proud to be recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,” Clark said. “Using green power helps our organization reduce air pollution and lower our emissions footprint.” 

FSU is using 40 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power annually, about 29 percent of its electricity use. The university’s green power use is equivalent to the electricity use of nearly 4,000 average American homes annually, according to the EPA.

The university’s green power comes via a partnership with the City of Tallahassee’s solar program. FSU has been participating in the city’s solar program since its launch in 2018. At the end of 2021, the agreement was extended an additional 15 years and expanded to double the amount of annual solar energy capacity available to campus.

The Green Power Partnership program helps increase green power use among U.S. organizations to advance the American market for green power and development of those sources to reduce air pollution and other environmental impacts associated with electricity use.

In 2020, the program included more than 700 partners voluntarily using nearly 70 billion kilowatt-hours of green power annually.

Partners include a wide variety of leading organizations such as Fortune 500 companies; small and medium sized businesses; local, state, and federal governments; and colleges and universities. For more information, visit www.epa.gov/greenpower.