CareerSource Florida
The CareerSource Florida network connects employers with qualified, skilled talent and Floridians with employment and career development opportunities at no cost. Statewide, local workforce development boards and career centers strengthen local economies and build resiliency one business at a time. Whether your business needs help recruiting, hiring, or training, CareerSource Florida can help!
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Florida Department of Commerce
In collaboration with our partners, the Florida Department of Commerce’s mission is to assist the governor in advancing Florida’s economy by championing the state’s economic development vision and by administering state and federal programs and initiatives to fuel job creation in competitive communities, and promote economic resiliency. •
Florida Realtors
As the voice for real estate in Florida, the mission of Florida Realtors® is to support the American dream of homeownership for families, businesses and industry. We also build strong communities and shape public policy on property issues. Simply stated, we provide comprehensive business services for the Realtors® who bring you home.
Space Florida
Space Florida is where leading aerospace companies get everything they need to see their new ideas take off. As the state’s aerospace finance and development authority, Space Florida brings a mix of unrivaled experience, unmatched financial tools, and unbeatable location to the table by providing critical business financing opportunities for the aerospace industry, managing infrastructure investment in the state’s spaceport system, and facilitating research and development, workforce, education, and investment programs.
Florida SBDC Network
State designated as Florida’s principal provider of business assistance, the Florida SBDC Network is your source for expertise and resources to help your business grow and succeed. Our team of consultants and staff are well-versed in all aspects of business — from feasibility planning to exit planning.
FloridaMakes is a statewide, industry-led, public-private partnership operated by an alliance of Florida's regional manufacturers associations and partner organizations with the sole mission of strengthening and advancing Florida’s economy by improving the competitiveness, productivity, and technological performance of its manufacturing sector, with an emphasis on small and medium-sized firms. FloridaMakes is the representative of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) National Network in the state of Florida, a program of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Florida Chamber of Commerce
Making Florida more competitive and unifying Florida’s business community is what the Florida Chamber of Commerce is known for. When the Florida Chamber wins, Florida wins! Learn more about ways job creators are championing free enterprise and are working together to secure Florida’s future.
Welcome to Business Florida
Sixty years of peer connection, professional development, and advocacy - Michelle Bauer, Tampa Bay Economic Development Council
Florida’s leading organization for economic development expertise - Beth Cicchetti, Florida Economic Development Council, FEDC Foundation