Florida, 2024 – Spring cleaning isn’t just for dusting and decluttering in your home. It’s also for cleaning up and greening up in your community - and the local affiliates of Keep Florida Beautiful (KFB) invite you, your family, your neighbors and your business to get involved!
Did you know that litter-free environments are associated with crime reduction, increased property values and a stronger sense of pride among residents? It is also true that trees and other foliage promote positive mental health, improve air quality and support biodiversity. Needless to say, there are numerous reasons for maintaining a clean, green and beautiful Florida and this responsibility is one that we all share.
Every spring, KFB local affiliates participate in the Keep America Beautiful (KAB) Great American Cleanup – the nation’s largest community improvement program taking place in thousands of communities across the US. Through this participation, local affiliates provide opportunities for Floridians to engage in improving and beautifying their neighborhoods, downtowns, roadsides, beaches, parks, waterways and other public spaces.
During last year’s Great American Cleanup, Florida affiliates activated 16,000 volunteers across the state who picked up over 431,000 pounds of litter and planted 8,600 trees, plants and flowers. Volunteers also participated in other projects like removal of invasive species and community infrastructure improvement.
This collaborative effort results in lasting impact, promoting a Florida that is not only beautiful but environmentally healthy, socially connected and economically sound – and YOU can be part of the action! Get involved with your local affiliate by joining a cleanup, adopting a road or even sponsoring a project. Learn more at KeepFloridaBeautiful.org.
Keep Florida Beautiful (KFB) is a 501c3 nonprofit and state affiliate of Keep America Beautiful. KFB supports a network of more than 40 affiliates from the Panhandle to the Keys that engage with volunteers statewide to remove litter from Florida roads and waterways as well as participate in community beautification and encourage waste reduction. In conjunction with the Florida affiliates, KFB is proud to be one of Florida’s largest volunteer-based community action and education organizations.