Florida Trend | Florida's Business Authority

We're The People, Behind The People, Who Bring You Home

Florida Realtors

#26 MEDIUM Company

Whether you’re buying or selling a home or business, it’s likely the largest financial transaction of your life.

Each experienced Realtor® makes your dream possible, while we — the highly trained specialists of Florida Realtors® — provide world-class support.

Together, Realtors in Florida and Florida Realtors® are the state’s strongest fair housing advocates and largest defenders of private property rights.

Florida Realtors® — a free legal hotline and free tech helpline, trusted real estate economists and tested educators, providing 17 professional designations and 14 certifications, plus a trade magazine that has earned 132 state and national awards — that’s what we do for every Realtor.

We’ve earned this recognition — because we love what we do — ultimately, for you.


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